Wednesday, July 21, 2010

We're taking bets that... Life commentary with a comedic twist.

We're taking bets that absence makes the heart grow fonder...

I am sorry I have been gone so long. I feel I have things to say again. Hopefully that is true.

I can't believe how talented Greyson Michael Chance. Thankfully he is talented or Greyson would be getting beaten up for a weird name. Watch the video and tell me what you think. I believe we have at the very least the next Justin Bieber and if anyone can beat him the world might be in trouble.

Monday, January 25, 2010

WTBT Volume 3 Series 2010...

We're taking bets that...

* it is really weird that Nancy Kerrigan is in the news again right before the Winter Olympics.
* Nancy Kerrigan has had the weirdest things happen to her.
* I have a feeling it is the Saints year.
* most people who say things are even usually haven't had the worst done to them.
* if you are not a good hunter then you should try shooting a cow.
* the cow's owner has quite a beef with those hunters.
* TD Bank SportsCenter at QU is going to start rocking if the Bobcats keep on winning in the NEC.
* you probably didn't know the Grammy's are on this Sunday on CBS.
* when the government tells you to keep on whacking you just have too.
* Brett Favre will never learn not to throw across your body to the other side of the field.
* unfortunately Haiti will still be recovering from this earthquake 10 years from now.
* job searching is no fun.
* if I had a cell phone this would happen to me. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We're taking bets that crazy takes many forms...

Here are a few random observations:

* American Idol is still interesting television. The producers do what they can to pull your heartstrings at the same time adding drama and silliness. You would think by this time we would all be sick of it but I keep coming back and so does the rest of America. I really do not think losing Paula or Simon will be the death of the show.

* I am not a supporter of new Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, but I like him a lot more now thatGlenn Beck doesn't like him. Glenn Beck is taking crazy to a whole new level. Intelligent crazy with a microphone is very scary. I think I could be fun as the opposite to him. Liberal, smart, crazy guy because I am also lovable. Oh the power. BTW - Keith Olbermann does not count as his liberal counterpart because he usually isn't smart just pompous.

* Everyone has their own interpretation of funny. I am pretty sure that I am more open than a lot of others. With that being said can someone explain to me why this is considered funny by some people. There are a lot of wild things on YouTube but this is not funny. I used to make tapes with my best friend Todd when I was little and if you listened to them today no one not even I would probably laugh. These videos are kind of like those tapes except you are letting the world see them. I think everything should have a funny or die meter and if more than 70% of the people who have watched it do not like the clip it should be removed permanently from the internet. I am just saying.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WTBT Volume 2 Series 2010...

We're taking bets that...

* Scott Brown might be better than most Democrats think.
* it sucks there is still 13 days until LOST is on.
* I triple dog dare you not to do what these kids did.
* Quinnipiac is going to be the place to be this Spring and many of you are going to miss it.
* Brian Williams is the most fun anchor ever to grace network TV.
* you probably missed Penguin Awareness day on Tuesday.
* this article has old Southerners reaching for their phones to call Billy Graham.
* most people are going to join a group regarding Haiti, but most people won't give a dime to help.
* even when I am right there is probably someone saying I am wrong.
* Carlton Fisk is a bad ass calling out Mark McGwire and Roger Clemens.
* you can't take any more images coming out of Haiti even if they are rescues.
* the tree did talk dirty to him.
* no matter what you do you can't please everyone with diversity.
* the best thing to watch regarding the Conan-Leno fiasco is Leno's 2004 announcement.
* Leno does look like an idiot now.
* it would be badass to have a scale of measurement named after you like the Madrid Scale measures awesomeness. :)
* my job search is kind of scaring me.

Friday, January 08, 2010

We're taking bet that they have gone missing...

Whatever happened to Ashley Williams? She was originally the hottie on Good Morning Miami, which was not a good show, but she was very cute. She then was highered to be Ted's love interest as a baker in How I Met Your Mother. She was awesome on the show and very cute again. I would like her to make a comeback and I do think she would be awesome as the woman Ted finally ended up with. I just think she should be part of our weekly television lives and hope she finds the right vehicle to shoot to stardom!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

We're taking bets that it is funny to see a skinny or fat version of a friend...

Here are a couple of random things:

* Being a fat guy I feel like there is probably a skinny version of me somewhere in this world. Today I saw a fat version of a friend and it made laugh because although I knew it wasn't that person what if it was. When people you haven't seen in a while change dramatically it is both unsettling and funny.

* Chris Dodd was a great Senator for Connecticut regardless of his party affiliation and he will be missed by the entire state. I do think that Richard Blumenthal is going to run away with the election. Who doesn't like that guy? Besides Republicans?

* Bringing Jay Leno back to 11:35 will be a huge mistake and probably ruin Conan. Jay is the entertainment version of Brett Favre and we all know how annoying he is. The thing is I don't think he will get the results Brett has with Minnesota. The sad thing is Conan is doing a good job and will probably hit his stride in another 6 to 8 months. NBC you used to be my favorite station, but now you are killing me and yourself.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

WTBT Volume 1 Series 2010...

We're taking bets that...

* sometimes you just can't win and it doesn't even pay to try.
* the Patriots will win this week, but then it will be a horrible defeat.
* you are tired of hearing about the exploits of Tiger Woods and his women.
* I still want to work for Diddy.
* this story is just funny.
* it is funny when you get told that you seem like you could be a professor in a college.
* I did it and now I wait.
* you are old if you remember "WHO'S THE HAWK?!?" and congrats to Andre Dawson.
* it is not shocking that KFC is being called racist for the ad in this article.
* the suspension of Gilbert Arenas is the smartest thing David Stern has done since he rigged the Patrick Ewing draft for the Knicks.
* LOST will be awesome and the fact that it returns on Groundhog Day makes me super excited.
* Rex Ryan is an idiot and I would tell him to his face, but I think he would try to beat me up.
* angry is an okay feeling and you should not tell people to calm down, but rather let them do and say whatever they want to feel better.
* stealing hair is a crime just ask bald people.
* it is good to be back writing my blog again. Hopefully people will start to read it.
* you are psyched Modern Family is back with a new episode tonight.

posted by manish

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